Sample Contract
Transfer of Ownership Agreement
Name: Reg. No. DOB: / /
Sex: Body Color: Eye Color:
Herein, the seller of this cat, Elizabeth M. Graham , is referred to as “breeder”; the
buyer of this cat, , is referred to as “buyer”. All
disputes to this contract will be settled in the State of West Virginia, under West Virginia law.
The conditions of this sale are as
- The
buyer accepts responsibility of the caring for this cat and providing properly
for its welfare. The buyer agrees to follow the breeder’s instructions on care,
housing, diet, treatment and health. The buyer agrees to provide prompt,
adequate veterinary care, and not to allow this cat freedom outside.
- The
buyer agrees that this cat will never be sold, leased, or given to any pet
shop, animal shelter, research laboratory, or similar facility. In the case
that a buyer is unable to keep this cat any longer, breeder stipulates that
buyer contact her first for possible placement.
- The
buyer agrees to never declaw this cat without the prior knowledge and written
consent of the breeder. The buyer further agrees to employ behavior modification
techniques and regular trimming of claws.
- The
breeder guarantees that this cat is FeLV and FIV negative and will be accepted
for a full refund of purchase price if returned within seven (7) days for any
- The
breeder guarantees that this cat is free from genetic defects and will be
accepted for a full refund of purchase price if returned within forty-five (45)
days for a genetic defect.
- No
reimbursement will be made for veterinary fees incurred by the buyer that is
not pre-approved by the breeder. No reimbursement will be made for the death of
a cat if an immediate necropsy is not performed.
- The
buyer agrees that if any of the above terms are disregarded, that the breeder
may reclaim this cat without a refund of the purchase price. Furthermore, all
health guarantees are null and void if this cat is ever vaccinated against FIP.
The breeder additionally advises that any vaccination for FeLV not be given
within a week’s time of any other vaccination.
Breeder’s veterinarian has administered all
first year vaccinations including rabies.
Price: Date: / /
Buyer’s signature:
Breeder’s signature:
Buyer’s name:
Buyer’s address
Buyer’s home phone number:
Buyer’s work phone number:
Buyer’s e-mail address: